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Data Analysis


Statware, Inc.

statit is a family of integrated modules providing graphical dataanalysis in an OSF/Motif-compliant or character-based environment.Applications are diverse: -- Research and Development can use statit'sbroad range of statistical routines to analyze experimental data. --Manufacturing will want statit's quality control capabilities to designoptimal environments for maximum quality and monitor the quality ofongoing processes. -- Finance can utilize statit's time series andforecasting capabilities to foster a profitable business environment. --MIS will find statit's procedure writing tools helpful in automatingroutine or multistep analytical tasks. -- Sales and Marketing can accesstheir databases with statit, allowing them to analyze, manipulate, anddisplay the information. -- Administration will use statit's graphicsand report writing for decision-making support. -- Value-Added-Resellerscan enhance other applications by programmatically linking them tostatit. >LP At the heart of statit is the powerful Base System that givesyou data management capabilities, descriptive statistics, and high-resolution graphics. With the Base System you can interactively access,select, modify, manipulate, analyze, and display your data, no matterwhat its source. Motif user interface highlights include: -- theability to maintain multiple graph-display windows, each with a browsertool to view other graphs produced during a work session -- aspreadsheet-style window for easy data viewing and editing -- separatewindows to display variables and hypertext-based help, as well as makenotations -- user-configurable "smart buttons" for task short-cuts --pull-down menus with function descriptions displayed when items arehighlighted -- tear-off menus that remain open for frequent referenceand use. Optional modules can be added to enhance the Base System'sfunctionality. Those modules and their features are: -- Statistics:procedures for regression, analysis of variance, design of experiments,and time series. -- Quality control: tools to design and/or monitorprocesses for maximum quality. -- Procedure Writing: complete language,compiler, and debugger for writing statit commands and procedures. --Custom Graphics: create unique graphs or customize those provided --Programmatic Interface: link statit with other applications or datasource. -- SQL Database Interface: access database information throughSQL statements. -- Gage Interface: turn your electronic hand-held gagesinto data entry tools.

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3,2.4,2.5

Statware, Inc.
260 SW Madison Ave
Corvallis, OR 97333
Phone: (503) 753-5382
        (800) 478-2892
Fax: (503) 758-4666